![Sally web concept [Recovered].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c01cd7_29514188eefa43a7880d90d1c4ae9bc2~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_674,h_804,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/c01cd7_29514188eefa43a7880d90d1c4ae9bc2~mv2.png)
About This Workshop
We tend to think of inspiration as a magical, capricious force that can strike us suddenly, filling us with delight, abundance, and prolificacy, and then depart just as abruptly, leaving us drifting, drained, and listless. And while it is true that inspiration can be fleeting or unpredictable there are many things we can do to better enhance its likelihood of emerging and be ready to seize it when it arrives.
The workshops in this series are designed to help participants court inspiration by way of designing an “inspiration station” or creating a “super sketchbook” to store sketches, ideas, and influences from other sources in one extraordinary compendium.
This workshop will guide participants through a design exercise to conceptualize their own ideal workspace with an emphasis on creativity. Next we will share our ideas and brainstorm ways to bring elements of the ideal into our current setups.
Participants will leave this workshop with:
*Cultural and attitudinal shift in thinking about ways to court creativity and inspiration in everyday life
*Design for ideal working space and tools to implement changes to current space
*Techniques and practices for building creative confidence
*List of resources to keep moving forward with creative practice in daily life
This workshop will guide participants through steps to create their own super sketchbook in various forms and begin adding to it.
Participants will leave this workshop with:
*Cultural and attitudinal shift in thinking about ways to court creativity and inspiration in everyday life
*Foundation for their own super sketchbook - a compendium to save and draw inspiration from
*Techniques and practices for building creative confidence
*List of resources to keep moving forward with creative practice in daily life
$600 per workshop for up to 10 participants. Additional $25 per person for groups larger than 10. Each workshop can be a stand-alone, one-hour workshop or discounts are available for booking multiple sessions or full series.